Friday, March 3, 2017

Your Words shape your child future

Your Words shape your child future

Yes, it is a no-brainer that your words have real time power to shape the future of your child. Words are the primitive tool that is used to communicate. This implies that they have the power to influence the thing we desire. In order to make our message more effective, we resort to editing and proofreading our message and therefore we are actually increasing their potency to achieve what we desire real-time. This means that your words have a real-time influence on your child’s behavior, the attitude in the future.

In some religions like Judaism and Islam, it is believed that words have an effect even when the child is still in the development process in the womb of the mother and can hear and affected by what his or her mother is going through at a particular point in time. Words have direct power in relation to the development of the brain, cognitive growth and thus have a primary role in shaping the literacy skills of the specific children.

Parents Influence and Child Development

Parents have significant influence in relation to the child development. The style which parents resort to in relation to the upbringing of the children is pertinent to understand. The parents who used shout at their children compromises on their children’s confidence levels and they used to fear to do anything or to believe their innate capacities and abilities. Parents who are particularly engaged in their professional activities and let the babysitters care for their children compromises on their children cognitive development as babysitters would have little concern in relation to sharing life experiences and expectations.

Parenting styles and Growth, Development of Children

Enlisted below are primary parenting styles followed by their respective influence on the growth, nourishment and the development of the children.


It is regarded as the best and successful approach. There is the quantum of involvement along with the respectable control level as well. There is design in relation to the expectations along with the constraints and limits. In this parenting style, the children are used to provide with the natural consequences in relation to any particular event. The rules are designed and reasons are set out and there is a fair element of flexibility.

In this style, there is a significant emphasis in relation to obedience and confirmation of the parent's instructions. There is design in relation to the rigid rule with no flexibility element followed by the firm consequences. Children experiencing this parenting style are researched to observe self-esteem and anxiety issues.


There is warmth, there is love but there are no rules and there is no use of the reinforcement or punishment. Children experiencing this parenting style are researched to be lacking self-discipline and are shown to be indulged in relation to impulsive behavior such as alcohol addiction and inappropriate and risky sexual activities real-time. 


This style is primarily characterized by the indifferent and approach of ignoring. Such children are primarily anxious with poor performance in relation to their academics. Words certainly have very important role in our lives to play and they do have effect and thus have the ability to significantly influence the potential personal and professional life of your children. It is important to have a parenting style that is conducive to the growth of your children. A good parenting style makes use of the right words and right approach and thus is real-time helpful in shaping the future of your children.  
